Publications in Peer-reviewed Journals
Publications in Peer-reviewed Journals
Publications in Peer-reviewed Journals
Early Exit Strategies for Learning-to-Rank Cascades
Francesco Busolin; Claudio Lucchese; Franco Maria Nardini; Salvatore Orlando; Raffaele Perego; Salvatore Trani | Published: 8 November 2023 | IEEE (Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers)
Automotive fault nowcasting with machine learning and natural language processing
John Pavlopoulos; Alv Romell; Jacob Curman; Olof Steinert; Tony Lindgren; Markus Borg; Korbinian Randl | Published: 2 October 2023 | Machine Learning Journal
Explainable AI: current status and future potential
Bas van der Velden | Published: 17 August 2023 | European Radiology
Efficient and Effective Tree-based and Neural Learning to Rank
Sebastian Bruch; Claudio Lucchese; Franco Maria Nardini | Published: 15 May 2023 | Foundations and Trends® in Information Retrieval
An Optimal Algorithm for Finding Champions in Tournament Graphs
Lorenzo Beretta; Franco Maria Nardini; Roberto Trani; Rossano Venturini | Published: 14 April 2023 | IEEE Transactions on Knowledge and Data Engineering
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