EFRA Partners



Consiglio Nazionale delle Ricerche

Stockholm University





Moy park



Agroknow is an innovative company, based in Greece, which focuses on knowledge management and research on knowledge-intensive technology innovations for agriculture, food, and biodiversity. As Agroknow has an extensive experience in building services for the agricultural community, tt supports organisations and people on how to address societal and environmental challenges using solutions that are informed and enhanced by high-quality data.

For EFRA, Agroknow is the Project Coordinator and will also lead the activities related to the focus groups, the experimental methodology, the use-case plan and the software demonstrators for decision support. It will additionally create a set of intelligent crawlers and a registry of data sources and design the front-facing components of the EFRA ecosystem.


National Research Council

The National Research Council (CNR) is the largest public research institution in Italy, the only one under the Research Ministry performing multidisciplinary activities. Cnr’s mission is to perform research in its own Institutes, to promote the internationalization of the national research system, to provide technologies and solutions to emerging public and private needs.

CNR’s role in the EFRA project focuses on the definition of novel sustainable machine/deep learning techniques to achieve good trade-offs between accuracy, latency and resource usage. It will also contribute in the development of an energy efficient cloud/edge HPC architecture for greener operations.


Stockholm University

The Department of Computer and Systems Sciences (DSV) of Stockholm Univerity is the oldest IT institution of Sweden. In research and education, it engages in issues that involve new technology and people; as individuals and as societies. AI, human–computer interaction, organisational design for digital transformation, innovation in healthcare, e-learning, cyber security, Internet of Things (IoT) and gaming are some of the researched areas.

For EFRA, Stockholm University will lead the activies related to creation of hyper-targeted NLU (Natural Language Understanding) tools to turn the noisy textual data into high-quality food risk signals for the AI models. It will furtherly develop a process to design, train and test explainable food risk prediction models and conduct relevant experiments.


Wageningen Food Safety Research

Wageningen Food Safety Research conducts independent research into the safety and reliability of food. The institute is specialised in detecting and identifying substances in food and animal feed and determining the functionality and effect of those substances.It advises national and international governments on establishing standards and methods of analysis, while the research institute in Wageningen is the National Reference Laboratory (NRL) for milk, genetically modified organisms, and nearly all chemical substances.

WFSR will lead the activites regarding the scientific requirements on short- and long-term food risk prediction and data sharing. An additional EFRA role is to develope a library of trained, tested, and calibrated prediction models for long-term, systemic, unknown risks and develop the concept of federated AI training.



Maize is a novel consultancy where thoughts, actions, creativity, and processes converge. It studies and solves contemporary dilemmas and designs innovative solutions that have a concrete impact on organizations and evolve the way people think. Maize's approach combines strategy, business, design, technology, and culture.

Maize’s role in EFRA will focus on designing the architecture of the EFRA Platform and deploy the EFRA Data Hub and Analytics Powerhouse. It will also contribute to the scientific requiremrnts setting by assessing the data sources. Finally, it will create a common EFRA conceptual model and support the “Extreme Data Discovery & Mining” activities.



AGRIVI is one of the leading global AgTech companies, which aims to solve the global food problem through the digitalization of agriculture. Following a data-driven approach and real-time agronomic insights available, offers digital agriculture solutions for farms, food companies, agribusiness banks, ministries of agriculture and other important stakeholders of the agri-food value chain.

In the course of EFRA, AGRIVI will lead use-case#2 on “Food-safety-optimal pesticides use” by deploying and testing the two-level approach to EFRA AI training in relevant real-world challenges.



Rainno is a young and dynamic boutique consultancy based in Greece. Rainno’s focus lies on supporting companies and international organizations in collaborative R&I project management, communication, marketing and development.

With several years of experience in large scale R&I projects (emphasing on flagship EU initiatives), Rainno will lead the EFRA dissemination, exploitation, and communication planning and activities, aiming for multiplying the expected project’s impact. In addition, Rainno will have a supportive management role by monitoring all project-related work and management activities.


SGS Digicomply

SGS is a Swiss multinational company, which provides inspection, verification, testing and certification services. It is specialised in the inspection and verification of the quantity, weight and quality of traded goods, the testing of product quality and performance against various health, safety and regulatory standards and ensuring that products, systems or services meet several requirements of standards.

SGS will lead the use-case#3 on “Consolidating the fragmented food safety data scraper economy” to test the EFRA Data & Analytics Marketplace focusing on attracting multiple data scrappers in food safety, to test the dynamic data economy algorithms and the overall usability of the Marketplace.


Moy park

Moy Park is one of the 15 biggest food companies in the United Kingdom and one of Europe’s leading poultry producers. They supply branded and own label chicken products to leading retailers and foodservice providers throughout the UK, Ireland and Europe and they are the industry leading manufacturer of organic, free-range and higher welfare chicken.

Moy Park will be an associate partner and lead the use-case#1 on “Risk predictions for poultry pathogens” by deploying and testing the two-level approach to EFRA AI training in real-world conditions and challenges directly relating to the presence of specific pathogens in the poultry industry.

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